One stop destination for effective management of a Society
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Using this feature, the management committee members can quickly send a generate payment schedule to collect maintenance dues from all apartment owners.
The transaction of the maintenance bill is one of the most important tasks. But, sometimes they don’t get the maintenance bill promptly or sometimes they don’t have lots of time to pay their bills. This Society management Solution provides truly amazing solutions to pay maintenance bills. This also reminds of bill payment by SMS alert. People can pay their maintenance bills using payment gateway by sitting at the comfort of their home and need not search for management people for making their payments. Even, they can also check the status of their maintenance payment and get receipt instantly.
A community where various families remain together, the communication gap is one of the most important problems between them. Through My Group & Connections feature, the members can link with other community members, speak to them, and discuss important info with each other effectively.
Resident welfare association can publish notice and reach all members instantly. RWA can also see how many members have read the notice. Society members will get instant notification and email to read and follow the instruction mentioned in the notice.